3个表现告诉你 你没你想的那么聪明~!_派派后花园

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[Free Talk] 3个表现告诉你 你没你想的那么聪明~!

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 浮生缘
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-03-10 0

Always Being in the Center of Conflict

Smart people, truly smart people that is, don’t spend every waking moment wasted in argument, conflict and debate. Avoid unneeded conflict and watch the energy you save get utilized for positive projects and to fuel constructive behavior. Now that’s a sign you are getting smarter!


You Are Always Rushing Around and Way too Busy

Do you find most of your days fighting the clock? Time and energy management is a skill all truly smart people quickly learn to manage to make the most out of life, minimize stresses.


You Talk Much More than You Listen

What do you think of when you are around someone who just won’t stop talking to even catch a breath? Certainly not people with true intelligence who understand there’s much more benefit and lasting power in the sometimes lost art of listening rather than talking. The answer says a great deal about just how smart you really are. Listen more and talk less.

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