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[Free Talk] 长太帅遭驱逐阿联酋帅哥:生日获倾慕者赠豪车!~!

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 浮生缘
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-03-06 0

An Emirati asked to leave Saudi Arabia last month for being “too handsome” has received an expensive G55 Mercedes car from an unknown woman, just a month after he hit headlines worldwide following his alleged expulsion from the conservative Gulf Kingdom.
上个月因为长得太帅被沙特阿拉伯驱逐出境而上全球头条的阿联酋帅哥Omar Borkan Gala ,在他生日当天收到了一份来自其匿名仰慕者的大礼:一辆价值不菲的梅赛德斯G55。

Omar Borkan Gala told a well-known western magazine that he had been gifted the car, worth more than $100,000, to mark his birthday.
Omar Borkan Gala 对一家著名的西方杂志表示,他收到了这辆至少价值10万美刀的豪车,这是仰慕者送给他的生日礼物。

“I got a Mercedes G55 for my birthday from a woman I didn’t know,” the race-car enthusiast told the US ‘InTouch’ gossip weekly.“It came to my place, and I was told, ‘Just sign and take it.’ That’s amazing!”
“我从一个不认识的女人那里收到了一辆梅赛德斯G55作我的生日礼物,” 这位赛车控对美国八卦周刊杂志《InTouch》表示。“车被送到我住的地方,然后有人跟我说,‘签字拿走它就行了。’ 太不可思议了!”

The magazine said the self-described poet and model, and now an upcoming film star, woke up on his birthday recently with a knock on his door and greeted by a man with keys in his hands and a paper for him to sign on.
根据该杂志的报道,这位自称是诗人、模特兼新晋艺人的帅哥Omar 称,在生日当天早上有个小伙子敲开了他的房门,说有份快递让他签收一下,然后把车钥匙递给了他。

Omar was reportedly enjoying himself at a stand at the annual Saudi Jenadariya Festival in the capital Riyadh, promoting some of his works at the event when religious officials asked the Dubai native to leave and deported him back to the UAE.
根据报道,Omar 当时只是出席沙特一年一度的杰纳第利亚遗产文化节,推销自己的作品而已,在兴致高涨的时候却被工作人员请出了场地,并且直接被遣送回阿联酋。

He has been making headlines since then and has won the hearts of many women, who have flooded his Facebook page with messages.

Al Gala has not confirmed outright he was deported, but hinted that he was one of three Emirati men who were reportedly forced out of the festival and then deported by the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
Al Gala 并没有公开承认他被驱逐出境,但是他暗示说自己是报道中说的被赶出文化节,随后又被“提升道德防范罪恶委员会” 驱逐出境的三名阿联酋男子之一。

Newspapers in the world’s top oil exporter said the three were told to leave because the Commission members who were heavily deployed at the Genadariya festival in Riyadh as they feared women could fall for them on the grounds they are too handsome.
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