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[Free Talk] [75克拉]完美巨钻获命名“中国之星”~!

刷新数据 楼层直达


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 浮生缘
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-03-05 0

The new owner of what Christie’s auction house called the largest and most perfect briolette diamond ever sold at auction has identified herself and picked a name for the 75.36-carat gem.


Tiffany Chen, vice chairman of China Star Entertainment Ltd., has revealed herself to be the owner of the briolette diamond. She named the diamond after her company, “The Star of China.”

中国星娱乐有限公司(China Star Entertainment Ltd.)副主席陈明英(Tiffany Chen)已经透露她是这颗钻石的新主人。她以自己公司的名称为这枚钻石命名为“中国之星。”

Chen purchased the diamond May 28 at Christie’s Hong Kong Magnificent Jewels sale for more than $11.15 million, $148, 000 per carat, a world record for a briolette diamond sold at auction.


The briolette has been graded by the Gemological Institute of America to be of D color and type IIa, indicating its internally flawless clarity, excellent polish, highest level of chemical purity and exceptional optical transparency. Less than one carat in every 100, 000 carats of diamonds is found to be found in this perfect condition.

这颗水滴形钻石已经被美国宝石学院鉴定为“D色”和“type IIa”级,这意味着它的内部毫无瑕疵、切工完美,化学纯度达到顶级,并有着极佳的光学透明度。每10万克拉的钻石中,符合这种完美条件的钻石不足1克拉。

The diamond is part of a pendant necklace that includes a marquise-cut purplish pink diamond suspended above the briolette.

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