1.易筋经change your bone(改变你的骨头)
2.大力金刚指strongman's fingers(大块头的手指)
3.九阳神功nine men's power(9个男人的力量)
4.冲灵剑法GG and MM's sword(哥哥妹妹的剑)
5.洗髓经wash you(把你洗一下)
6.九阴白骨爪nine women catch white bone(九个女人抓白骨)
7.葵花宝典from a gentleman to alady(从一个男人变成一个女人)
8.全真七子the 7 sons all truly yours(7个儿子全是你的)
9.张三丰the Mr.zhang who is fatter 3 times than you(比你胖三倍的张先生)
10.见龙在田i see you on the farm(我看见你在田里)
11.时乘六龙i have 6 BMW(我有六辆宝马)
12.八荒六合唯我独尊功!my name is NO1!(我叫NO1!)
13.利涉大川it's time for swimming(游泳的时间到了)
14.断肠草tharm-cutting grass(能让肠子断掉的草)
15.密云不雨have girlfirends without wife(有很多女朋友但没有老婆)
16.江南七怪the 7 strange men on south bank of the river