Extracts from <听讲英语Easy Way>:认识朋友由赞美入手_派派后花园

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[Spoken English] Extracts from <听讲英语Easy Way>:认识朋友由赞美入手

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Extracts from <听讲英语Easy Way>认识朋友由赞美入手


Praising 赞美

1. You look really chic.
Gina: Where are you off to?
Alison: I'm going to a civic reception at the town hall.
Gina: Who's it for?
Alison: It's for a delegation our sister city in Germany.
Gina: Well I must say that outfit really suits you. You look really chic.
Alison: Thank you. I want to look my best for the foreign guests.


吉娜称赞艾丽森说:I must say that outfit really suits you. You look really chicI must say直译是「我必须说」,但这其实只是加强语气的说法,也作I have to say,往往不宜直译,例如:He is a genius, I must say(他真是个天才)。
Chic有「高贵、时髦」的意思,作形容词、名词都可以,例如:(1She had on a chic long skirt(她穿着高雅入时的长裙)。(2Known for her chic, she is always the focus of men's attention(她以打扮高雅入时著称,所到之处,男人注意力都集中在她身上)。
赞人衣着漂亮,还有很多说法,例如:(1The jacket looks nice on you/You look great in this jacket(你穿着这件夹克,十分好看)。(2I like/love your tie(我喜欢你的领带)。(3You have surpassed yourself with this culotte(你穿上这条裙裤,比平日更好看)。Surpass是「超过」或「胜过」,例如:His wealth surpassed belief(他富有得难以置信)。To surpass oneself 即「表现胜过以前」,不限于说打扮。He is past his peak as a poet, and cannot be expected to surpass himself是说「他诗歌创作的巅峰期已过,不可能更上层楼了」。
最后谈谈「姊妹市」或sister city。除了sister city,英文还有sister company,指同一集团的公司,或「姊妹公司」;sister ship,指隶属同一家公司、型号相同的船只,或「姊妹船」。不过,英式英文叫「姊妹市」做twin town,不用sister一字。Richmond and Fontainebleau are sister cities即「利其蒙和枫丹白露是姊妹市」。

2. You've done a fantastic job.
Gordon: I've just been reading through your last project report.
James: I hope you didn't find too much wrong with it.
Gordon: On the contrary, you've done a fantastic job.
James: Well I'm not sure about that.
Gordon: You're too modest. It's really well organized and written and offers some very well thought out conclusions.
James: Well I'm glad you like it and hope it proves useful.

Prove一字,读者大概都知道解作「证明」,Can you prove what you have said?即「你能证明你所说的话么?」这个prove是及物动词(transitive verb),其后须有受词(object)。
I hope it proves useful这一句的prove,却不可解作「证明」,也不是及物动词,而是和isappearseem等一样的连系动词(linking verb),即其后可用形容词/形容词组(adjective phrase)或名词/名词词组(noun phrase),以修饰句子主词(subject)。这个prove有「是」或「最后发觉是」的意思,例如:(1His guess proved to becorrect(他的猜测并没有错)。(2Her husband proved to becorrect(他丈夫原本是个懦夫)。这两句的proved假如改为was proved,意思就不同了:一是说「他的猜测有证据证明没有错」,一是说「她丈夫被证明是个懦夫」。作连系动词的prove十分常见,不可不识。
要称赞人家的工作,你可以像戈登一样说:You have done a fantastic/great/good jobFantasy是「幻想」所以fantastic本是指「荒诞的」,例如fantastic stories是「荒诞的故事」。但口语往往以fantastic解作「极好的」,例如:He'll go with us? Fantastic!(他会和我们一起去?好极了!)
此外,你还可以说Well done!/Great work!/You've don very well!(做得好!)要称赞人家工作进展良好,则可说Nice going!/good going!/not bad going!例如:"I've prepared all the legal documents." "Good going!"(「我已准备了所有法律文件。」「好得很!」)

3. I don't think you could have done it better.
Mary: I've just popped in to thank you very much for organizing last weekend's trip to the seaside for old folk.
Julia: That's very kind of you. They all seemed to enjoy it.
Mary: They certainly did. Everything went like clockwork, in fact I don't think you could have done it better.
Julia: I'm not sure about that, there were one or two things that could have been improved.
Mary: In a perfect world perhaps, but as far as I'm concerned it was a great success. So thank you again.

玛丽告诉朱莉雅:I've popped in to thank you very much for organizing last weekend's trip to the seaside for old folkPop是拟声字,指「噗」一声,例如:The cork popped as it came out of the bottle(软木塞「噗」一声从瓶口拔了出来)。引伸其义pop in是指突然探访人家,事前没有特别安排,逗留一般也不长久,例如:He popped in this morning(他今早忽然来访)。

Old folkfolk是指「人们」,作集合名词(collective noun),但也有人用folks指「人们」例如:Some folk/folks find the new regulation rather annoying(有些人觉得新条例麻烦)。留意无论folk还是folks都配复数形式动词。

有时,你会看到one's folks这说法,用复数形式。是指某人的亲属,例如:My old folks live in Taiwan(我年迈的父母住在台湾)。称呼一群人,也习惯用复数形式,例如:Let's go, folks(各位,我们走吧)。

people相比,解作「人们」的folk名是指生活方式相用同的人,或属于某一社团的人,例如:Country folk/folks tend to be more conservative(乡下人一般比较保守)。不过,谨严的写作通常会用peoplefolks,例如:Country people tend to be more conservative
玛丽说:Everything went like clockworkClockwork是钟表等的发条装置,例如:The toy soldier walks by clockwork(那玩具兵用发条装置步行)。Like clockwork是比喻,指「顺利」、「准确」或「有规律」,His training schedule runs like clockwork即「他的训练计划很有规律」。

4. You've excelled yourself.
Al: That was an absolutely delicious meal.
Isabel: I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a recipe I haven't tried before.
Al: Your cooking is always superb but this time you've excelled yourself.
Isabel: Sounds like you want to get something out of me.
Al: Don't be so suspicious, I really meant it.
Isabel: Well they always say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
要称赞人家表现胜于平时,英文可以说:You have excelled yourself。这和八月八日拙栏介绍的You have surpassed yourself意思差不多。例如:(1He excelled himself in the race and won the championship(他在竞赛中表现非常出色,赢得冠军)。(2You have excelled yourself with this feat of courage(你这次壮举,表现了非常的勇气)。
Excel当然是excellent(极好)的动词,除了用于成语excel oneself,通常用于excelsomebodyat/in something的句式,表示「在某方面表现(比某人)出色」,例如:(1She excels her brother at/in swimming(她游泳胜过弟弟)。(2He excelled at/in chess(他棋艺高超)。
伊莎贝尔见艾尔称赞她,打趣说:Sounds like you want to get something out of me。这一句也可以改为:Sounds like you are trying to get around/round me
To get around/round somebody有「哄人家答应做某事」的意思,例如:She is always able to get around her husband and get what she wants(她总能够把丈夫哄得服服贴贴,无论她要什么都答应)。
最后谈谈成语The way to a man's heart is through his stomach。这是「要男人爱你,就要做些美味饭菜给他吃」的意思,例如:She invited her new boyfriend to her home for dinner, reasoning that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach(她邀请新男朋友到家里吃晚饭,认为要抓住男人的心,须先从他肚子入手)。

5. You' re so talented.

Jack: Those watercolors are really beautiful.


Caroline: I'm glad you like them. I painted them last year.


Jack: You painted them yourself? I can't believe it, they're so good.


Caroline: They're not that good, but I'm glad you like them.


Jack: You're so talented, I wish I had your skill.


Caroline: You should try your hand yourself, I'm sure you could do just as well if not better.



杰克称赞凯罗兰有才情:You're so talentedTalent一字,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》译作「天才」,这和同样可译作「天才」的giftgenius有什么分别?

Talent所指的才能,是可以努力培养的,常用来说艺术上的才能;gift强调天赋的才能,非凭努力可以得到;genius则是罕有的天才,比talentgift都高得多,例如:(1He has a talent for acting(他有做戏的才华)。(2With no gift for foreign languages, I found it extremely difficult to learn French(我没有外语的天分,学习法语非常困难)。(3The teacher recognized Van Gogh's artistic genius(老师发觉了梵谷的艺术天才)。Talentgift的形容词是talentedgiftedGenius则没有形容词。

凯罗兰叫杰克试试学画画:You should try your hand yourself, I'm sure you could do just as well if not betterTry one's hand是「试做(某事)」,其后常用at带出试做的「某事」,例如:Why don't you try your hand at fencing?(你为什么不试试击剑?)

最后说说if not的用法。这两字常用来表达「甚至可能比上述事情更一步」意思,例如:(1Hundreds, if not thousands, of trees were felled in a few days(几天之内,即使没有几千株树被砍倒,至少也有好几百株)。(2He is as rich as, if not richer than, Bill Gates(他即使不比盖茨富有,也在伯仲之间)。

6. You have such good taste.

Tracy: So this is your new apartment.


Charlene: Yes, I moved in a month ago.


Tracy: Well I have to say it looks fantastic .Did you decorate and furnish it yourself?


Charlene: Yes I did. It took me quite a lot of time.


Tracy: Well I must say you have such good taste in interior decor. It could have been done by a professional designer.


Charlene: Oh I don't think so, but I'm glad you think it's nice.



特蕾西称赞查伦说:You have such good taste in interior decorDecor本是法文,指房间等的装饰,英文借用了,例如:We had an interior designer design the decor of the new office(我们聘请了室内设计师,设计新办公室的布置)。

留意such good taste这说法。Such是「如此」,有强调作用,其后须接名词。例如:(1There was such alargecrowd of people that there was not enough food(人数众多,食物不足)。(2Did you expect suchgoodweather?(你有没有预料到这样(好)的天气?)

Sosuch一样,也是「如此」的意思,也有强调作用。但so之后不必接名词,可径用一个形容词(adjective)或副词(adverb),例如:(1She is so beautiful!(她美丽的很!)(2He dances so gracefully!(他跳舞跳得非常优雅!)

So之后假如接名词,则这名词必须用aanmuchmanyfewlittle等字带出,aan之前更必须有形容词,例如:(1The was so large a crowd of people that there was not enough food。(2There were so many people that there was not enough food。第一句so large a crowd等于such a large crowd,两个说法的形容词位置不同,切勿混淆。

假如名词不是用aanmuchmanyfewlittle等字带出,则不可用so加强语气。例如你可以说He is good a man(他这个人很好),却不可说They are so good men

8. You don't look a day over forty.

Jean: So you' re Mary, s trend. I'm very pleased to meet you.


Marion: It's a pleasure to meet you too. Mary has told me you also work in marketing.


Jean: Yes, but as you know, she is in shoes, while I'm in cosmetics.


Marion: Were you at school together with her?


Jean: No, no, I'm ten years older. We met much later.


Marion: What! I can't believe it. You don't look a day over forty.



玛丽恩见珍说比玛丽大十年,颇为奇怪:What! I can't believe it. You don't look a day over forty

You don't look a day over forty直译是「你看来最多四十岁,一天都不多」。类似说法用于四十岁以上的人,例如:You don't look a day over fifty/sixty等。对二、三十岁的人,很少说You don't look a day over twenty/thirty

说人家样子和实际年龄相符,英文是To look one's ageShe does not look her age一般是说「她看来比实际年纪小」,但也可以指「比实际年纪大」。She looks older/younger than her age则是说「看来比实际年纪大一些/小一些」。

珍其实超过了四十岁,这英文叫做middle age(中年),即四十到六十岁,例如:(1He did not get married till he was in middle age(他中年才结婚)。(2The speaker was a man of middle age(说话者是个中年人)。「人生四十方开始」是英文Life begins at 40的直译。

留意middle age不可写作Middle AgesMiddle Ages是欧洲史上所谓「中古时代」,一般指公元一一○○至一五○○年这段时间。Life in the late Middle Ages was luxurious for the privileged, but hard for most people即「中世纪末叶,特权阶级生活奢华,一般人却度日维艰」。

最后谈谈I can't believe it一语。这话常用来表示惊奇,也作I don't believe it,例如:She has won the lottery? I can't/don't believe it!(她中了彩票?这简直难以置信)。

9. Your work is absolutely first class.

Greg: Do come in and sit down. How are you?


Heather: I'm fine, thanks. Have you had a chance to look at my proposal?


Greg: Yes, I have, that's what I mainly want to talk about.


Heather: I wasn't sure whether it was exact1y the kind of thing you wanted.


Greg: Oh, have no worries. It's precisely what we need and your work is absolutely first class.


Heather: Well I must say that's a great relief.



格雷哥称赞希瑟:Your work is absolutely first-classFirst classsecond classthird class本是火车、轮船分头、二、三等用语,但second classthird class渐渐有了「低贱」含义,于是「三等」现在往往改称为economy class(经济舱)或tourist class(旅客舱),「二等」则变成business class(商务舱)、standard class(标准舱)等。

此外,first classsecond classthird class常引来说「优秀的」和「低贱的」,例如:(1She took legal action against the company for treating women employees as second-class citizens(她控告公司对待女雇员犹如二等公民)。(2Service is first-class in that hotel(这家旅馆的服务是一流的。作形容词,first-class等往往加连字号(hyphen)。

称赞人家的工作,除了说Your work is first-class和八月九日拙栏介绍过的一些说法,你还可以说:It couldn't be better(不能再好了),例如:"How do you like my proposal?" "Oh, it couldn't be better."(「你认为我的建议书怎样?」「啊,好极了。」)

「建议」除了叫proposal,还可叫proposition,例如:They have accepted my proposal/proposition to restructure the personnel department(他们接受了我改组人事部的建议)。但请留意:男女之间,proposalproposition的意思完全不同。Proposal是名词,指「求婚」;proposition是动词,指「求欢」,例如:(1She received many proposals(很多人向她求婚)。(2She was propositioned by a Jap, who mistook her for a prostitute(有个日本佬以为她是妓女,向她求欢)。

10. You're head and shoulders above the others.

Walter: That's the fifth race in a row that you've won. You're by far our best driver


Ryan: Well I think my results are a bit flattering because I've had quite a lot of luck and our car is always so reliable.


Walter: Nonsense, you're head and shoulders above the others in your division.


Ryan: Do you really think so?


Walter: Absolutely. So much so that we're thinking of entering you in the next division for the new season.


Ryan: That means a more power fu1car and longer races. It'll be a lot tougher.



华尔特称赞赖安:You're by far our best driver。又说You're head and shoulders above the others。这两句用了两个成语。

By far是加强语气用语,有「远远超过」的意思,而既说「超过」,自然有比较含义,所以,习惯用来修饰比较级(comparative)或最高级(superlative)词语,例如:(1Compared with WM Thackeray, Charles Dickens was by far the more prolific writer(和撒克里比较,狄更斯无疑是个多产得多的作家)。(2She was by far the most beautiful girl the prince had ever seen(她比王子向来见过的女郎都美丽得多)。此外还有far away一词,和by far同义,例如以上两句都可改用far and away

Be/Stand head and shoulders above somebody/something取「别人最高都来不到你肩膀」含义,引伸解作「远远胜过其它人/物」,例如:His performance is head and shoulders above(或head and shoulders better thanthat of his colleagues(他的工作,远远胜过他的同事)。

最后要说华尔特So much so that we're thinking of entering you in the next division这一句。So much so that是常用语,「(有上述事情)程度之高,以至....」含义,例如:She enjoyed herself heartily at the party, so much so that she forgot her promise to get home by 11:00pm(她在派对上快得十分痛快,痛快得连「晚上十一点前回家」的承诺都忘记了)。华尔特那一句,是说对赖安期许甚高,高得有意要他参加高一级的比赛。

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