五大情话----The top five love sentences_派派后花园

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[Happy Moment] 五大情话----The top five love sentences

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等级: 专栏作家
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-02-24 0

1. I would be a liar if I said that I didn't love you.


注意:虚拟语气+双重否定,这可是典型的听力难题呀.试试看你能否在2秒内反应出来这句话是“I love you”的意思.

similar sentence:

I love you for you.我爱你本身或我爱的是你这个人(而非你的钱财或地位等身外之物)

2. You make me the happiest man in the world.


This is so simple, but I put it in the top five most romantic sentences!!! Every woman likes to think she makes her man happy.


3. Your love delights me, my sweetheart. Your love is better than wine; Your perfume more fragrant than any spice.


This is so romantic and touching but it makes me think of a little child's comment I once heard. The little boy hugged his mother with sticky hands and said“I love you so much mom,I love you more than...ice cream !!!”


4. In my heart there is a special place for you

A place where nothing else could be

A place of serenity where love grew

A place of pure joy and ecstasy.





5. There aren't enough words to tell you I love you, not enough ways to show you I care, not enough laughter and good times to wish you , not enough wonderful moments to share. Million bright mornings would not be too many, warm evenings forever would still be too few -- I want you and need you so much that it seems there aren't enough days in life time with you.

没有足够的语言能表达我对你的爱,没有足够的方式能表示我对你的关怀,没有足够的欢笑和愉快能让你享受,没有足够的美好时刻能与你共度.一百万个明媚的早晨不嫌多,永无止尽的温馨的夜晚仍嫌少——我要你,我需要你!!! 与你共度今生还感到不足.(多么棒的排比呀!

I am almost speechless at all of these beautiful words!!! If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and use this material to practice your English, you 'd better be careful, or you might find yourself getting married sooner than you thought!!!!!!

我几乎被这些甜言蜜语感动得说不出话来了!!! 如果你有一个男朋友或女朋友, 而用这些甜言蜜语来操练英语时千万要小心, 否则的话你可能会发现自己提前进入了婚姻的殿堂.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +5
  • 展雯

    派派币 +5

    Thank you for your sup ..



等级: 略有小成
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-02-27 0


等级: 牛刀小试
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-03-09 0
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