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[Free Talk] 《神探夏洛克》可能不会有第四季

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 浮生缘
举报 全看 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-04-26 0

"Sherlock" Season 4 is a long way away. But, according to star Benedict Cumberbatch, there's a chance there might not even be a Season 4.《神探夏洛克》第四季回归还早着呢。不过Benedict Cumberbatch的意思,有可能第四季的计划会泡汤。

"I genuinely don't know," Cumberbatch says of new "Sherlock" episodes in an interview with the Adelaide Advertiser (re-quoted by the Radio Times). "That's not me trying to be mysterious. None of us know if there will be a fourth, fifth or sixth series."在接受Adelaide Advertiser采访时,Cumberbatch说:“我不是想卖关子,不过我是真的不知道会不会有第四季、甚至第五第六季,其他人也都不知道。”

Does that mean that Cumberbatch and the rest of the "Sherlock" stars could be done for good? While it isn't likely, the actor does point out that he's pretty much everywhere all the time these days. 这是不是意味着Cumberbatch和其他《神探夏洛克》演员会不演了呢?似乎不是这样,这位演员表示,最近他的消息真的被传到到处都是。

"I'd hate to think anyone is sick of the sight of me, although I wouldn't blame them," Cumberbatch adds. "I've overexposed myself! Actually that sounds a bit dirty ... I'm proud of every single project. I can genuinely say that it is varied enough, as a slate, to not fear too much overexposure. I just hope the public agree because they are seeing a lot of me."“我不想去哪都有人会注意到我,当然我不怪大家,”Cumberbatch说。“我觉得我最近曝光得太过了!虽然这么说不太好...我对自己参加的每个项目都很自豪。不过我真心的说,最近的过度曝光让我有些害怕了。我觉得大家应该都承认,因为大家最近真的是到处都能看到我的各种消息。”
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等级: 派派版主
举报 全看 沙发   发表于: 2015-02-24 0
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