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[Free Talk] 职场攻略:职场新人如何能脱颖而出

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 浮生缘
举报 全看 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-12-26 0

Business strategy: new workplace how to talent showing itself
New employees tend to be found, the difficulties in the work of more than they expected. In the face of difficulties and challenges, new workplace how British talent network talent showing itself? Share the following 8 methods, we hope to help the newcomers entering the workplace.
1 moments of responsibility.
Remind yourself, promised to do, don't forget to do, always take responsibility. These sounds simple, but a moment will be a bad impression.
2 pay attention to things around me anyway.
Pay attention to your work, seize the opportunity to absorb your area and industry information. Those with whom you work is not directly related to information, sometimes also will help you, for example, some may grow in your knowledge of the boring meeting, will eventually make you value.
3 clear work sequence.
You know, in order to have a successful week, January, for one year, you need to complete any work, concentrate the maximum focus on http://www.chendiao.net something that needs to be done. Don't get stuck into easy, interesting but not important things. To do this, decided you can achieve great success had unsuccessfully.
4 pay attention to errors.
Your own mistakes and the mistakes of others should pay attention. Mistakes can be an excellent learning opportunities. Not only the error correction, to clarify the error came about, how to avoid. In doing so, your work will be better.
5 pay attention to issues raised by the boss.
By paying attention to your supervisor questions can understand him / her in fear of what the. If you expect to his / her worry, in his / her questions before you answer, the value will be greatly increased.
The 6 request feedback.
A prospective to the boss request feedback, let him / her to say what you do well and do not. Faithful words grate upon the ear. http://www.longlai.net Help line, the bad feedback might best help you progress.
7 note that you respect people.
As far as possible to find out why you respect them, to be their professional, expertise, or their communication method, or, as they face the difficulties when reactions? To see how they work, so you can stick closely to the pattern given "http://www.soooxia.com ". Similarly, if you do not respect a person, will find out why do not respect him, then avoid as he did do.
8 in the office to find a tutor.
Is not necessarily the office "http://www.soooxia.com/post/292.html mentor " label, he is more experienced than you one of my colleagues, can also be a you can naturally set close to the person. Find a mentor, the faster you can succeed.
New employees tend to be found, the difficulties in the work of more than they expected. In the face of difficulties and challenges, new workplace how talent showing itself? Here are 8 practical and feasible methods.
1 moments of responsibility.
Remind yourself, promised to do,http://www.soooxia.com/post/293.html don't forget to do, always take responsibility. These sounds simple, but a moment will be a bad impression.
2 pay attention to things around me anyway.
Pay attention to your work, seize the opportunity to absorb your area and industry information. Those with whom you work is http://www.longlai.net/post/274.html not directly related to information, sometimes also will help you, for example, some may grow in your knowledge of the boring meeting, will eventually make you value.
3 clear work sequence.
You know, in order to have a successful week, January, for one year, you need to complete any work, concentrate the maximum focus on something that needs to be done. Don't get stuck into easy, interesting but not important things. To do this, decided you can achieve great success had unsuccessfully.
4 pay attention to errors.
Your own mistakes and the mistakes of others should pay attention. Mistakes can be an excellent learning opportunities. Not only the http://www.chendiao.net/post/294.html error correction, to clarify the error came about, how to avoid. In doing so, your work will be better.
5 pay attention to issues raised by the boss.
By paying attention to your http://www.chendiao.net/post/295.html supervisor questions can understand him / her in fear of what the. If you expect to his / her worry, in his / her questions before you answer, the value will be greatly increased.
The 6 request feedback.
A prospective to the boss request feedback, let him / her to say what you do well and do not. Faithful words grate upon the ear. Help line, the bad feedback might best help you progress.
7 note that you respect people.
As far as possible to find http://www.longlai.net/post/275.html out why you respect them, to be their professional, expertise, or their communication method, or, as they face the difficulties when reactions? To see how they work, so you can stick closely to the pattern given " ". Similarly, if you do not respect a person, will find out why do not respect him, then avoid as he did do.
8 in the office to find a tutor.
Is not necessarily the office " mentor " label, he is more experienced than you one of my colleagues, can also be a you can naturally set close to the person. Find a mentor, the faster you can succeed.



等级: 内阁元老
举报 全看 沙发   发表于: 2015-02-23 0
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